March 25, 2012 - 7.5 weeks

Things are starting to feel a little more "real" now. I woke up one morning last week thinking "I almost wish I would get sick so I would feel like I was pregnant"..... and I got sick four times that day. It was miserable. And that started a lot of nausea that I am now experiencing daily. Thankfully I haven't gotten sick again but it is weird that foods that I usually love don't smell appetizing. I didn't even want any coffee last week because it just smelled terrible! And we went out to dinner on Saturday at this place that has delicious spicy chicken... and I had to get plain! So sad. I also have to be very conscious of how often I am eating and feel like I am forcing myself to eat every few hours. So the lack of caffeine, constantly eating, nausea, not wanting to exercise.....all makes me feel even more fatigued than I already am.... From what I have heard from friends, I'll get some energy back in the second trimester, but I am hoping that it happens a little sooner!!

Today we got something fun in the mail....Brandon ordered these little onesies for our future Colorado Rockies fan.....

March 16, 2012 - 6 weeks

I've never done a blog before but I thought this would be a good time to start... We are now six weeks pregnant and I'm sure things will start to feel more real from here on out!

I read a few days ago that the baby is the size of a BB right now, but already starting to develop a face and a spine. Wow! I don't really feel that much different yet except that I feel a little more hungry and tired than I used to. Perhaps that is pyschological but I'm trying to eat well and exercise. Yesterday Brandon and I went for a jog and I felt exhausted and short winded pretty quickly (I'm sure that has nothing to do with not running in a while!)

Anyway, this week has been really fun as we've shared the news with many friends and recover from our weekend with the Cloud family. We were blessed to be able to share our news with both parents at the same time last weekend and enjoyed a wonderful weekend together. I got to take my baby sky diving...the first of what I'm sure will be many adventures together!

It's already been an adventure.