Here's a glimpse of our busy guy these days.....
Play date with Keealyn and Elsie Gillikin
9 Month check up (A little late... James is in the 75th percentile for everything and is entertained by Landon!)
Mom tries to recreate a childhood photo of herself in a PING Golf bag
Lunch with mom's friend Brittnie, James picks up a brochure on his favorite animals- DOGS
Checking out the fish tank at the mall with Landon (best buddies!)
Golf with mom and dad
First diaper change on the golf course
Vincent, Uncle Michael and Aunt Kathryn are in town!
Loving Tuesdays with Mimi and Poppy
A whole day with mom watching 4 kids! Crazy but fun!
Mom got to see her dear friend Jill!
Play date with Rosie Murray
Army crawling very quickly this week
Pointing out another favorite animal, ducks!
Fall festival with Mimi, Aunt Bekah and Landon
Mom and dad go kayaking
An overnight at the Webers, showing James where mom and dad got married
James discovers drumming this week and it becomes his new favorite activity
Hurley boys come over for an evening! Four boys in the house!!
James stands up for the first time - in the bath tub
Mom, mimi, Aunt Bekah and Aunt Annalise go to Myrtle Beach for the weekend to plan aunt Bekah's wedding, Dad and James have a guys weekend
Loving his drumming skills!
Loving Aunt Annalise
Aunt Annalise and Mom went to see Junip concert
Play time with Harper Karanzalis (and meeting her new baby brother Everett!)
Cuddling with dad
James brushes his teeth for the first time
Mom and dad go to a wedding
A lot of rain for four days straight meant getting creative indoors, watching football with dad and playing at the mall
A video of Landon and James interacting at Target (we are just loving their relationship! They are together four days a week and are starting to interact more and more, it is so much fun!)
Play date with Asher and Judah Shirlen (another day with four boys, what am I thinking?)
Play time with Ruby Burleigh and Ty Ptomey
A little glimpse of what nap time starts out like these days.....