James starts reaching/stretching to grab things
Loves play time with mom and dad
Grabbing cups and everything he can get his hands on (and put his teeth on)
Got the traditional Hiskey PING bag photo
Celebrated Rebekah and Charles' engagement at Mimi and Poppy's new community beach!
James starts clapping!
Having a hard time taking weekly photos of James these days (he just wants the chalkboard!)
Celebrated Mimi's 50th Birthday with a party!
Mom got her hair cut short
Hiskey Family Vacation to Lynchburg, VA (including James first hike!)
Terrible weekly photo this week....
Mom's last day working at Main Ingredient!
Cloud Family Vacation/80th Birthday Celebration for Great Grandparents in Colorado
(Including breakfast with the Petersons, golf for mom and dad, playing in the pool, lots of time with cousin Ari, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great aunts and uncles!)
James learns to high five!
Both mom and dad get sick :-(
Both mom and dad get sick :-(
James' hair is growing long and crazy!
Play time with Ruby Burleigh and Landon (everyone gets sweaty)
James is scooting around and getting into more and more things
James tastes frozen yogurt at an outdoor concert with mom, dad and Landon
Landon distracts James during weekly photo
Loves playing with dad!
Standing up (if we put him there)
Downtown Walk with Grace Wagner
Downtown Walk with Grace Wagner
Mom starts her new job at Montpelier Advisors
Grocery Shopping and Watching the ducks with mom
Play time with Caitlin Grossman, and Keealyn and Elsie Gillikin