Celebrate Father's Day with Dad and Poppy
Riding in a shopping cart for the first time (Loves it!)
Grandpa and Grandma Cloud come to visit!
Face Time with cousin Ari
James was dedicated on June 22
Mom and dad celebrated their five year anniversary and went away for 4 days to Primland while James stayed with grandma and grandpa Cloud
This is what happens when you leave your baby with grandparents for four days.....
Goes to the beach with Aunt Bekah and Landon
James takes a road trip with mom and Aunt Annalise (E) to VA and NC
James gets his first tooth!!!
James gets his first tooth!!!
Meeting Vincent!
Visiting mom's college friends, Liz and Allison
College tours with Annalise to High Point and Elon
Celebrating the Fourth of July (enthralled with the parade!!)
Helped mimi and poppy move to their new house!
Getting mad because we won't let him grab the chalkboard (no good weekly photo this week)
Meeting mom's high school friend Amy and her son Danny
Some shopping with mom - James LOVES sitting in the cart!
Getting mad at mom trying to take a photo of his TWO teeth
Landon's THIRD birthday party!
Face time with cousin Ari