May 22, 2013- 26 weeks

James is 6 months old! He is such a sweet boy and we are so happy to have him in our lives. We can hardly remember life before him! It is so fun to be greeted with his sweet smile in the morning, even when it's very early, and his laughter is such a delight. Here's a glimpse of our life the past month.

Watched the St Johns vs. Navy croquet match (Dressed very dapper for the occasion)
Play Dates with Harper Karanzalis, Grace Wagner and Ethan Jiang
Landon slept over!

Mom had her first overnight away from James (for Annie Wagner's Bachelorette!)
Met new buddy, Walker Ptomey
Enjoyed a low key weekend with mom and dad (Dad making delicious homemade meals!)

Pork Potstickers
Chicken Enchiladas and Maragaritas


James got really into peek-a-boo and laughing out loud
Started to get more "grabby" and reaching for everything (to put in his mouth)
Ate rice cereal and did great!

Went to Michael and Kathryn's Graduation at Liberty (Did great!!)
Celebrated Mother's Day (Mom got to sleep in while Landon and James hung out with dad and poppy. Then we had a delicious brunch and  mom got a massage)
James started to enjoy hitting his belly (we don't know why!)
Went back to the doctor for cough that had still been hanging on and got a nebulizer (Cough is much better now)
Had a play date with Ethan Jiang
Mom left for a four day trip to MEXICO! (Guys weekend photos to come)