November 13, 2012- 40.5 weeks

Well the due date has come and gone.... and no baby yet. I am not feeling any different than I have the past few weeks so it's a bit of a surreal feeling knowing that he could sneak up on me and come any time now. I feel like I SHOULD feel different before he arrives, so my feeling is still that he's a few days or a week away... but we will see! Here's some photos of me on Thursday...two days before DD.

Grandpa and Grandma Cloud are now in town and it's been fun to spend some time with them before the little guy arrives. We went to dinner with both parents on Friday at one of our favorite places, Woodberry Kitchen.

We are putting the finishing touches on the nursery and enjoying working on that together. Here are some photos of the nursery as of now.

Hope to share some news of his arrival soon!!