October 30,2012 -38.5 weeks

We are down to 11 days left til due date!! I am not really feeling much different except that my feet/ankles are looking a little more swollen, so my guess (though I have no experience) is that he won't be early... But we'll see! I am grateful that he held off during the hurricane...not only because we didn't want to be on the roads, but the Cloud grandparents arrive one week from tomorrow so we're hoping he can wait at least until they get here!

My current guess of his arrival is November 19. Brandon says tomorrow, but I don't think that will happen....

Here are some photos of me the past week. This is me with Wudan, who is due at the end of February.

Here are a couple from a Halloween party this past weekend. I went as an 8 Ball, some may call it a lazy pregnancy costume but I'm pretty proud of the creativity.

Here is a photo of me today! I don't see how there is possibly room for him to be there a few more weeks but I guess we will see.

October 19, 2012 - 37 weeks

We have had a busy past few days, so the week just snuck up on me! 37 weeks! He is so big now that I think he is just shifting around and I don't feel quite as much kicking as I have in the past. But I am much more uncomfortable these days. It's hard to be content just sitting on the couch very long.... or at my desk at work. Work has been busy for me so it's a good distraction to my day. I spent this week trying to get things done from now until mid January JUST IN CASE he comes, which is a wild thought. So now that I am so prepared, he will probably not come until Thanksgiving :-) Here are two photos of me at week 37.

Last week I had TWO showers and now have everything that we need for his arrival. My co-workers had a surprise shower for me last Thursday which was really fun and of course we had some delightful food/desserts. Here are a few photos from the shower.

Then, the next night, I had ANOTHER shower at our friends the Rawley's house. I am completely overwhelmed by the amount of people who love our son already and feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in our life. Annalise took some photos but this is the only one I have now. I will add more later.

The following night we had a dinner party with some friends (because I am a CRAZY PERSON) It was really fun and didn't end up being terribly exhausting for me. Here's a photo of the table and the individual maple cheesecakes with sauteed pears that I made.

Sunday I was finally able to sleep in and get things organized in the baby's room. Brandon and I spent an hour or two making sure we had everything that we NEED if he were to come today... and I think we are pretty set now. Here's a couple pictures of his room.

This weekend should be a little more low key.... My goal for the weekend is to get the car seat installed and pack my bag for the hospital! Rebekah is away for a week, so we have Landon this weekend which will be good practice for us to learn to balance our life with a child... though he is a little more energy.....

October 5, 2012- 35 weeks

October! It's amazing that Baby Cloud could be here in five weeks! I just had my 35 week appointment and we are both doing well. The midwife said it feels like he is laying on his side with his head down (which explains why I have been feeling more kicking on my right side!) Next week we will have another sonogram to confirm if his head is down. I'm excited to see him - He is so big now! Apparently he is over 5 lbs and 18 inches long...There is definitely not a lot more room for him to grow.

I am doing pretty well. The past few weeks have been up and down as I've been feeling more uncomfortable with back pain and my skin feels really tight (because it is!) I am still sleeping well and grateful for that, but I feel tired and hungry most days. Last night I had a massage and got to use a special prego pillow that enabled me to lay on my stomach and back - it was such a nice change from lying on my side!

Brandon and I are getting more excited about his arrival and thinking about bundling him up for the cooler weather. Brandon is already planning out what he is going to wear for our Christmas photo! I am starting to think about everything I need to make sure I have before he gets here (It is amazing how much a tiny baby needs) and getting things organized at work.

I'll post some photos soon - Thanks for being excited with us!