Things are starting to feel a little more "real" now. I woke up one morning last week thinking "I almost wish I would get sick so I would feel like I was pregnant"..... and I got sick four times that day. It was miserable. And that started a lot of nausea that I am now experiencing daily. Thankfully I haven't gotten sick again but it is weird that foods that I usually love don't smell appetizing. I didn't even want any coffee last week because it just smelled terrible! And we went out to dinner on Saturday at this place that has delicious spicy chicken... and I had to get plain! So sad. I also have to be very conscious of how often I am eating and feel like I am forcing myself to eat every few hours. So the lack of caffeine, constantly eating, nausea, not wanting to exercise.....all makes me feel even more fatigued than I already am.... From what I have heard from friends, I'll get some energy back in the second trimester, but I am hoping that it happens a little sooner!!
Today we got something fun in the mail....Brandon ordered these little onesies for our future Colorado Rockies fan.....